Monday, September 17, 2012

Expectations? What expectations?

For several years now, being a Jacksonville Jaguars fan has been difficult.  It's been especially difficult if you buy season tickets and go to the games.  The easiest answer for why is...we have SO sucked.  Yet I buy tickets, every year with a sense of optimism.  It's not only that.  I feel a little bit of civic responsibility.  Having the team here does a lot for the city, and if we don't support them, they'll go elsewhere.  I can afford to support them and want to, but that's a very small part of the equation.

I enjoy the game day experience.  I enjoy seeing the people I've grown to know that sit around us at games.  I enjoy the roller coaster of emotion that comes with being there, and sharing it with them.  I really enjoy it when we win.  Usually, even in a loss, we can find hope for next week, and we just hope it doesn't happen all that often.

For several years now, though, that hasn't been the case...the winning part.  It's like I keep handing them my money and coming to support the team and I get nothing but disappointment in return.  It's a bit like paying taxes.  This year appeared to be different.  The preseason looked promising.  Last week the team started the season with a loss, but looked like they had taken steps forward.  They gave me hope for a decent season.  They were progressing.  All that came crashing down yesterday.  The Jacksonville Jaguars looked as inept as I have ever seen them, and I've been there, in those same seats, since 1995, when the team made its debut.  I mean ever.  That was right there with the first season, when the Detroit Lions actually took a knee to run the clock down so they wouldn't run the score up anymore.  I had some expectations for this season, but after yesterday....sorry, I just needed to vent a bit.
