OK, I lied. I'm on vacation but I decided to blog.
Last week started with the unscheduled arrival of hurricane Dennis. No, it wasn't a big deal here. We got a little drizzle and that's about it, but we have family (in the form of my wife's brother, his wife and two kids) in Pensacola, which appeared to be wearing the middle of the target on their backs.
Being the semi-nice guy I am, I called and offered a place to stay, knowing nothing short of a catastrophe whould pry my brother-in-law out of his home, but....I wanted him to know he had options. Well, he said thanks but no thanks, but his
wife grabbed the kids and said, "We're on our way!" This was fine with me, but immediately put me on
my wife's shit list.
What did you go and do that for??? You remember what she's like! She'll sit here and eat us out of house and home and do absolutely nothing!As you may have guessed, my wife is less than impressed with her brother's choice in spouses, but that's his life and not her's, and I told her, "Still, it's the right thing to do."
Friday night we went to a baseball game, expecting them sometime shortly after we got home. As it turned out, they arrived at the house pretty much when we did. The kids claimed the spare bedroom with my computer and sis-in-law took the larger guest room. The next few days proved us both right. It was the right thing to do, but getting those people out of the house and doing anything took a crowbar. The kids were content to sit on the computer or X-Box all day and sis-in-law sat on the couch knitting. They took breaks to eat. I got my son and nephew and went to the driving range on Saturday. Sunday we took them to the I-Max theater at the World Golf Hall of Fame and walked around there a bit. Monday my wife threatened to go back to work, saying, "I'm not wasting vacation time sitting around here watching them sit around." She didn't though, and Tuesday the crew packed up for home, after Dennis mercifully left Pensacola pretty much unharmed. My wife told me not to do that again. Being honest though, if the threat comes their way again, I will discuss it with her. You don't have to like them, but they're still family. My son needed a bit of an attitude adjustment.
No, it's
not alright for you to veg in front of the computer all day. Get out and do something.
Fortunately, the next few days were taken care of. We packed up the bikes and headed up to Jekyll Island in Georgia. Spent one day at the water park there where I once again learned a painful lesson. Sunscreen! OK, I was smart enough to use the stuff, but when you spend most of your time in shoes, one place not to miss with the sunscreen is the tops of your feet. I did. I'm just now (a week later) begining to walk pain free. Curiously though, the next day (and worst for the sunburn aspect) wasn't too bad on bikes. I don't know why walking hurt and bike riding didn't, but we biked several miles around Jekyll Island, which has a great system of bike paths, and that didn't bother me much at all. Once I got off the bike though...
Friday night my son and I spent midnight in the same place millions of others did - in a bookstore, where by 12:30, we were the proud owners of
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Still 100 pages to go, but I'm almost done. Probably by the end of today I'll have finished the book. My son and I are on Chapter 2 reading aloud, but I couldn't wait.
Yesterday - golf. Today, we're just goofing off. Tomorrow, maybe more golf. We'll have to see how it goes.
Gotta run. Goofing off takes time!