football is in the air
Jimmy Smith is gone, so who picks up the wide receiver slack? Most folks (me included) are pinning their hopes on Matt Jones, but there are other posibilities. Do we finally have an answer at corner to play opposite Mathis? People are already saying "yes" a day into camp. Who fills the linebacker hole now that Akin Ayodele jumped to the Cowboys? The rookies are getting some typical ooooh's and ahhhhh's for the first weekend. The media is jumping on every little move and making mountains out of molehills, and I love it. It's nice to have it all back, but it all has to be taken with a huge grain of salt. Everybody's hungry for information and the media is trying way too hard to supply the demand. The result is, a player gets the hiccups and there's speculation on whether or not he'll play this season. It can get pretty funny.
I have missed this soooo much!
Oh, and one very provincial note...I'm sick and tired of listening to whiney Steeler fans (and fans of other teams, but the Steeler fans are the worst, and yes, I realize I'm're not all whiney) complain that they get no in depth training camp news about their beloved team here in Jacksonville. No, you don't. That's how it works when you're in Jacksonville. If I were in Pittsburgh, do you think I'd get any in depth training camp reports from J'ville? Hell no! I know earlier this month when I was in Pennsylvania, I heard not word one about the Jaguars, but I heard about the Eagles and Steelers. I don't know for sure, but I'm guessing if you were in Dallas or Atlanta, you wouldn't be getting what you want either. Find your hometown radio stations on the net (or satellite radio) and listen to them. They're the ones covering your hometown team. Quit whining about the local Jacksonville stations not giving you the play by play on every ball Big Ben throws in camp. This ain't Pittsburgh, and while you may not be, a lot of us more than OK with that.
While I potentially have the attention of some Steeler fan, do you know where I can get one of those Roethlisberger bobble head dolls? You know...the one on the hood of a car? Somebody thank their lucky stars and give that boy a helmet, before he really hurts himself.