First, happy belated Fathers Day to the rest of you dads out there. I had a very nice one, capped off with home made lasagne. The wife makes an amazing lasagne, but hasn't made it in a very long time because it's a day long affair. She learned from my mom, but makes it better than my mom (but please, nobody tell
her that), and to give you an idea how long it's been, the youngster never had it before yesterday. He was almost as happy as I was. He tasted that stuff and his eyes lit up.
Next, I have to thank Brian Williams, the pretty face liberal front for NBC News. I knew of conservative columnist, Ann Coulter. I've occasionally read her stuff in the paper, but I don't make a point of it. I don't even know how often they run it. I saw her book in the bookstore when I went to get the youngster's required summer reading stuff (and bought/read the
Da Vinci Code), but I had to order one of his books because it wasn't in stock. I had no intention of buying her book, but contrary to her self-persecution diatribe, it wasn't hidden in the back by the liberals who work there. It was on a stand right out front where you walk in. Otherwise, I wouldn't have seen it. Still, like I said, I wasn't buying. Then I caught Mr. Williams going spastic over how she criticized some of the 911 widows, and how Hillary called her "mean spirited" and said she had no respect for women. Now I was interested. First I wondered why the full frontal assault from the liberal media. Somebody sounded like they were running scared. It looked a lot more like damage control than objective news reporting. Then again, NBC is about as guilty of objective news reporting as CBS, ABC, CNN and Fox. Second, I just had to know why Hillary said this Coulter woman had no respect for women. This was, after all, coming from the woman whose husband ejaculated on a female intern in the White House, so the bar for actually having no respect for women is set pretty high with her. What could Coulter have possibly done? Obviously not that, but it had to be pretty heinous.
So the youngster's book came in and I found myself back at books-a-thousand, and staring at her
Godless book on the rack and...saw the rest of the title, The Church of Liberalism. Now I'm sold, because it fits a theory I have. It's not very fleshed out, but it hit me one day when the liberal over the cubicle wall was taking a call from the DNC. He has contributed in the past and it occurred to me they were once again passing the collection plate. He was once again chatting with the faithful, pledging to wholeheartedly support their holier-than-thou effort to depose Dubya, because George is so morally wrong and he, of course, is so morally right. It then also occurred to me that he claims that he isn't religious, and takes every opportunity to mock mine, but he has one just like I do. His god is the government, and he worships it as the same omnipotent being that I call a God. He wants it to feed the hungry and take care of everybody and make all right with the world (just like what I want from my religion and my God), but unlike me, he expects us all to blindly follow
his belief, by giving more and more every April 15th to the same collection plate so his god can build more ineffective social programs. The fact that his god doesn't function as he believes it should when Republicans run it is the reason they should never be given the opportunity. The fact that it doesn't when Democrats run it is hidden by the fact that they're supposedly trying...really hard. It's bolstered by the fact that he and those that believe in his religion are preaching that we can't make it in this world without his god. After all, the high priestess has declared it takes a village...NOT!
So on one hand we have my God, who is the perfection of everything good, though His existence can't be proven to the satisfaction of your typical liberal. On the other we have his, consisting of trial lawyers and ass kissers. Even if I'm completely off base, my whole belief system comes crashing down and my God should turn out to be an imaginary friend, I think I still win that one.
Anyway, that's about as far as I got with this theory so far, but the title of the Coulter book seemed to fall right in line with it. So far I'm a few chapters in and while she's interesting, I think she has a flair for pulling in only the facts she likes and ignoring others, and putting her spin on everybody's quotes to fit her agenda...much like the nightly news with Brian Williams. She's also quite the conspiracy theorist...again, much like those on the opposite side of the fence. So while she's making me think and she's pretty funny, I'm not quite on board. You gotta admit, lines like, "Those that say the death penalty isn't a deterrent can't explain why Michael Moore is still alive and I'm not on death row." are pretty clever and make a point. (That's not an exact quote, but very close.) As for "mean spirited", if that's the liberal euphemism for "caught you in a lie and called you on it", yeah, if everything she says is true, she's guilty as charged. What she has to say about the fanatical separation of church from state though falls right in line with what I've said here many times, and her spin is interesting...that it's because the liberals don't like other religions competing with theirs. She hasn't quite fallen in line with
my theory yet, but like I said, I'm just a few chapters in.
So far though, this is looking like deal material. My dad's been hounding me to watch Fahrenheit 9/11. When I go north I may propose this one. I'll watch his conspiracy theory movie if he'll read my conspiracy theory book. He won't do it though. He's all about sitting in the front row listening to the liberal preachers tell him what he wants to hear. He's not much on the conflicting viewpoint. I guess none of us are, all that much, but if you don't listen to the opposition once in a while, how do you know it's still the opposition?