I have no problem with immigration. After all, it's how all of us got here. Yes, if you go back far enough, even you people who call yourself "native" theoretically came over the land bridge from Asia. I have no problem with people who want to move here from Mexico. Frankly, I don't blame them a bit. If I lived in Mexico, I might want to move here too.
I do have a problem with people coming here with their hand out. I know that isn't the case with most immigrants, whether they be from Mexico, Cuba or Aquasanta, Italy (the birthplace of my dad). I have a problem with people who come here to take rather than to give, and the facts are the facts. Most of them aren't asking for a hand out, but some are, and they are causing problems not just for their bretheren that aren't, but for the rest of us as well. Ask the state of California why it's going bankrupt, and it will lay the lion's share of the blame at the feet of illegal immigration.
When my dad came here, he and many like him wanted only the opportunity to make a life for themselves. Well,
his dad wanted that.
My dad was barely starting school, but he started it in English. These people were willing to work hard for the opportunity in front of them. They were willing to do whatever it took, and live with the consequences of their choices. They learned English, or they stayed in enclaves of their own nationality where they could speak their native tongue, but accepted the limitations that decision put on them. My grandmother never got the hang of English, but she didn't demand that anyone else take on the burden of her ignorance (except of course my dad, who was her crutch). Those immigrants didn't demand that the schools teach them or any other public institution address them in Italian, or French, or Irish, or Slovenian. One thing I noticed about the protesters against tougher immigration laws is that all their signs are in Spanish. Who is their audience? I don't understand anything on those signs, and I don't understand people demanding citizenship, yet demanding it under a Mexican flag. When high school students are jeered for wrapping themselves in an American flag passing the protests, it doesn't make you think "American" is something these people want to be. It sure gives the impression that they don't want to be part of us. They want something from us. It makes it look like they don't want to
be Americans. They want to
use Americans, and they're pissed off if we stand up and say "NO!" Maybe that's not the case, but it's the message
I get from what I see.
I have no issue with immigration requirements becoming more lenient. I want the people who come here from Mexico to become
legal immigrants. I want them on the tax rolls. I want them to be proud Americans who don't have to, but could sing the Star Spangled Banner in English if they so choose. I want them buying houses and contributing to the economy. I want them contributing to causes that help their bretheren, and all Americans who need it, with a hand up to get on their feet. I think that's what most of them want as well. At least I'm
trying to think that. What I'm seeing on T.V., however, isn't lending itself to that viewpoint. I want them to be part of the great American melting pot and not a drain on it. I want them to stop demanding aid and start supplying it, along with the rest of us. Maybe that's what they want. Maybe I can believe the experts who tell me that's what
most of them want. I hope so, because the evidence I see on the nighty news is screaming the opposing, entitled, accusatory, demanding message, and it's pretty hard to ignore.
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